Published By:
Lamont Jack Pearley
Our main source of platforming the history, heritage and culture of African American Traditional Musics and the Black Experience is the use of broadcast media through Jack Dappa Blues Public Media. We have learned so much as we engage our audience that we put together an independent/public radio workshop called “Fundamentals For Creating YOUR Professional Radio Show”.
Fundamentals For Creating YOUR Radio Show is a workshop that consists of three sessions. The workshop will introduce and discuss the fundamental strategy and actions implemented to produce and host a successful Independent and/or Public Radio program. Each session is broken into specific teaching points to inspire workshop attendees and students to not only think outside of the box, but also in the basic structure of the box, ensure their program will have proper legs to stand on as they build their audience. I will share with attendees some of the tools and strategies that I use which have proven success in my broadcast. The culmination of this workshop will be attendees having a basic outline and structure to produce and host a show that will be consistent and concise allowing their audience to not only grow, but know what to expect from the program and trust the voice, context and content of the host/producer. This very important concept gives legs to grassroots movements as well as commercial programs.
If you are interested in this program, contact or
session times vary based on specific needs