Jack Dappa Blues Public Media Testimonials –

They say the spirit never dies, that energy doesn’t disappear, it just transfers from one state to another. The special elements that formulate what we call The Blues, have been transferred in abundance to brother Lamont Jack Pearley. The divine trustees have entrusted Mr. Pearley as the gatekeeper, the recordkeeper, and the securer of the gift. It’s a responsibility that Mr. Pearley has taken seriously and he handles it with passion and purpose. It’s a pleasure to know him, and to be a witness to his talent and work. The bloodline of true Blues lineage walks among us here in NYC! We are blessed to have the Jack Dappa Blues media outlet at our disposal, and I am even more honored to have him as a friend.

Courtland Hankins Hip Hop Educator and Producer President of Mantic Records






The Blues Is Our Roots, Our Heritage…I’m very proud to know Jack Dappa Blues Radio leads and invests in that charge. In addition, brings our future to a solid platform that allows our audience and community to not only learn, soak, and obtain more, but also cultivate ways to nurture and invest in the roots of our culture, heritage, and future.

Alonzo Townsend – Bluesman










I would like to take a moment to acknowledge a gentleman who has preserved our art by being a student as well a gatekeeper of our ancestral music ! The Jack Dappa Blues platform is one of the vital pieces that showcase and promote the culture and emotion of blues people. I am grateful to have met Lamont Jack Pearly my definition of a true Blues Brutha !!


Kevin D. Williams – Entrepreneur








My radio interview with Jack Dappa is one of my all time favorites.  Connecting things that matter in the world, social causes and issues, to the blues is an interesting and fascinating concept and it makes so much sense. I love when a host/interviewer really cares about the interview and moreover, really cares about the world.  Jack and I could have talked on and on for days because he’s a believer.  He believes we can change the world and supports those who believe and are doing the same.  This platform for good news is extraordinary and essential to the uplifting and empowering of our community. I hope you’ll join me in expressing our deepest appreciation and support for Jack and Jack Dappa Blues Radio & TV.

Seanne N. Murray, Esq.

Founder/CEO, Stop Stuff™

SNM, Esq.




577f5501-7ea0-4b65-a084-08a0e858a68eWe brought the Blues here. It’s in our D.N.A It spread from Mali to Memphis and all across the U.S. of A. Muddy Waters said
the Blues had a Baby-They called it Rock and Roll. Lamont Jack Pearly let’s you know that without the Blues

the U.S wouldn’t have a soul. “Jack Dappa Blues” is essential to the landscape of American Music spread all over the globe.
It is the necessary documentation of the growth of the blues from sun up to sun down.In these times of quick disposable music,
“Jack Dappa Blues” is a necessary vehicle for the documentation and celebration of the art form. It should be required listening
for ethnomusicologist and added to the curriculum in every school of music to reinforce the importance of root music.Be sure to give
it a listen.
Baba Ngoma Hill, Activist, Poet, Musician

13913675_10154487301774604_4809295650470350802_o“Jack Dappa Blues serves an important role in both celebrating and preserving the legacy of the blues, while also looking at how the blues is being carried forward today in music, film, and culture. As a blues musician, I enjoy being part of the show. The conversations always delve deeply into my motivations and influences, in a way that other interviews don’t. Jack’s perspective and comments are insightful, and he’s great at drawing out good stuff. Jack Dappa Blues is real!” —

Michelle D’Amour Lead singer of Michelle D’Amour and The Love Dealers




unnamed“Before I begin, My Name is Brock Lightning, I’m a Blues Guitarist Singer Song writer from Brooklyn N.Y. Now with that out of the way. I want to tell you a few things about Jack Dappa’s Blues radio show.

The show is hosted by Mr. Lamont Pearly who’s alter ego is Jack Dappa which has a distinctive Voice to match. I thought he was from the Caribbean, but much to my surprise the fella comes by way of Louisiana and Mississippi, on up to Chicago. Very fitting for someone who hosts a Blues Music program. Many Bluesmen and women travel the migrated rout of his family. The show is a joy for me for two reasons; I thought if I wanted Blues I had to go down south, but Ahhh I had not discovered this Gem hidden in the realms of internet radio. This show covers the music from top to bottom, but the real bonus is, Mr. Jack Dappa does not leave out the culture which has been left out by folks who take the music and flashy guitar licks and spooky slide tones and get paid. Jack Dapper leaves nothing to chance as he says famously on his show ” you goin’ Learn them Blues this evening”. Brother Dappa thank you for you contributions and dedication to African/American arts and heritage.”  — Brock Lightnin, Blues and Gospel Musician




13918662_806829879416634_414333466_o “Jack Dappa Blues Blues is an incredible resource for not only entertainment, but also for education and expanding your musical horizons. Mr. Lamont Jack Pearley and his guests, representing a wide cross-section of blues musicians and scholars, bring the music alive in both its past, present, and future incarnations. I come to this African-American art form as an outsider, but I have long been in awe of how such beauty was born of such atrocious brutality. Unfortunately, we see almost daily reminders of how little has changed in our country in regard to the treatment of African-Americans – which makes Jack Dappa Blues all the more relevant!

When you listen to Jack Dappa Blues, you will learn more about the history of our country (for better or worse), you will learn more about the development of American music, you will learn more about past and present practitioners of the blues, and you will hear a lot of incredible music that will stay with you for the rest of your life!” — Gary Ginkley




13901832_10154226094291226_558454126_o “What can I say about Jack Dappa Blues? To quote Lamont!! I dig it!

I would have to say, that I discovered Lamont Jack Pearley on social media. I don’t remember if it was on twitter or Facebook but once I listened to his podcast, and my ears perked up to his velvety intoxicating blues voice, I was hooked. I have loved the blues since I first saw and heard such great bluesmen like Muddy Waters and Paul Butterfield blues when I was a teen perform in Montréal, and I have never looked back. The blues music has been part of my life, and being a visual artist, it is part of my inspiration. Now, getting back to “Jack Dappa Blues”. Whenever I listen to Lamont, I am in awe of his knowledge and savvy of blues music in general. I am always learning something about the history of that genre. I love the way he plays his guitar and juxtaposes his own style of music with the introduction of so many blues performers. There are always new musicians to listen to and discover and I find his interviews with so many old and modern acclaimed musicians outstanding. He is a wealth of BluesIntel! I feel like I am going to blue school whenever I tune into his show or re-listen to his podcast on YouTube. I can feel the passion of his love for music permeate through each of his words and his dialogues are a musical score onto themselves. “Jack Dappa Blues” is a must listen musical blues journey and Lamont Jack Pearley is talking bout the authentic Blues!” — Susan Shulman, Visual Artist, Blues Bunny Project




13708388_1885009171726264_3255922732705424888_o“I think Jack Dappa Blues is so important in Keeping the blues alive today. Its so Important to preserve the blues culture in America which i believe is the only real culture in the usa. It is also important to pass on the spirit of the blues to the next young generation. Jack Dappa Blues is a great platform to promote the real blues and emerging blues artists in the home of the blues. Jack Dappa Blues is a preserver and promoter of the beautiful culture we call the blues which is much deeper than music its a spiritual thing that heals and makes people all over the world so happy.” — Paddy Smith Blues musician, Navan, County meath IRELAND.







14607958_10209285860960149_1027122369_nDear Mr. Sheffield,  I’m writing to commend Jack Pearley and the phenomenal show “Jack Dappa Blues”.  I’m a documentarian, currently working on a film about W.C. Handy, and an avid student of early blues history. I listen to a lot of radio shows produced by folks I’ve met in my research and travels for the film.  “Jack Dappa Blues” is by far the best.  

From his choice of music, to his voice {both literally and figuratively}, to his commentary and inclusiveness Mr. Pearley  has found the magic formula for presenting The Blues in a modern format but with an authentic feel.

 I haven’t missed a show yet, and that’s because while I am being thoroughly entertained, I’m also hearing incredible music that just cannot be found anywhere else on the airwaves with such consistency, and proper context.  I listen to the show on line, at WFDU HD2, and I read and make comments on Facebook with some other like-minded folks from around the world who appreciate Mr. Pearley’s talent for bringing the true Blues to life, along with the marvelous offshoots of its original family tree.

 I’m so glad this show is available to me, and to the scores of others who appreciate the far reaching, diverse and powerful impact of the music played.  Jack Dappa is definitely ‘the man’ when it comes to this subject and I thank you for giving him this platform so that he can spread the blues and its stories to a mainstream audience.  I look forward to it every week, I share it with my circle of friends, and I hope to enjoy it for many months, and years to come. Jack Dappa Blues has become appointment radio for me.

 Congratulations on a wonderful program with a knowledgeable and personable host.

 With every good wish,

Joanne Fish Producer/Director

“Mr. Handy’s Blues: A Musical Documentary”



mike-with-hat_blues-hall-of-fameI had the pleasure of meeting Lamont – through phone calls and online  — when he took up the cause my wife and I began:  Raising funds to purchase a headstone for blues pioneer Mamie Smith, whose recording of Perry Bradford’s |”Crazy Blues”   demonstrated to the segregated American recording industry that African Americans were a neglected =– and, it turns out, HUGE – market for recordings by African American singers and musicians.  Mamie’s “Crazy…was recorded with the Jazz Hounds, a band that included Coleman Hawkins, Willie the Lion Smith, Johnny Dunn and some of the best blues and jazz musicians of 1920 — white or black.

Lamont invited me to guest on one of his first podcasts and we spent an enjoyable amount of time talking about our mutual love of the blues.  I write for Blues Music Magazine, and have written for other blues and traditional music publications since 2000, and I am SO impressed with what Lamont has done in creating THE definitive podcast series that will no doubt some day wind up in the Library of Congress as a superb historical record of what the blues was, is, and no doubt will be, who the players were, what they had to say, and the great music they created.  

He is creating a treasure with every recording and I’m so glad I’ve had the opportunity of being interviewed by him about my Mamie Smith Headstone Project in 2014, where we discussed aspects of Mamie and the blues, including composer Perry B Radford, and the heroic Fred Hager, the Caucasian recording manager of Okeh Records, who was the only record company exec with the nerve to countenance death threats for having the nerve to put African Americans on record. Turns out, his heroism paid off royally, as Crazy Blues sold 75,000 copies in one month among both black and white blues and jazz fans, and opened the floodgates for everyone who followed, including Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Louis Armstrong and literally thousands of others before the decade ended. 

Jack, I am please to know you, and applaud the valuable work you are doing on iTunes, WFDU, and no doubt other venues.  Bravo!!  MICHAEL CALA – Contributing writer for Blues Music Magazine



unnamed-1“The Blues have been in my life for maybe fifty years. I am always learning something new about the blues. The feeling,the music it’s a big part of my life. My Mother asked me one day when I was young,why I listened to such sad music. My answer was it made me feel good. I even remember the song playing when she asked me,”No Use Cryin” by Ray Charles. I really hadn’t thought about that blues feeling until that moment. During that time I listened to the more current blues singers,but as time moved on I found a treasure of blues . Listening  to “Jack Dappa Blues” has opened another door and I am learning so much more. I am enjoying the interviews,history and music. I appreciate the work and dedication it takes to produce this podcast. If you have any interest in music especially blues you will surely enjoy “Jack Dappa Blues”. My journey is to keep the blues alive,with my friends and family. A big thank you to Lamont Jack Pearley for helping to keep my blues soul alive.” — Dennis Parker 






14689128_200389293730751_1120828626_oMy name is Richard Wall, I’m a writer and listener from England and I just wanted to say a few words of appreciation for the Jack Dappa Blues show.

I’m a big fan of the blues, and have recently finished my debut blues novel, Fat Man Blues.

As a blues enthusiast, the information and music presented during The Jack Dappa Blues Show is, in my opinion, second to none and this show is at the forefront of my blues listening schedule.

Lamont Jack Pearley clearly knows “The Blues”, is well-respected within a growing online blues community (that includes some heavy hitters in terms of musicians and historians) and presents his knowledge in a manner that is both entertaining and authoritative, giving the show a level of authenticity that is missing from other blues shows.

Blues is an art form that deserves to be highlighted and promoted at every opportunity, and a genre about which I am passionate – hence my approach to you. I feel that the Jack Dappa Blues Show goes a long way to achieving this.

Congratulations on a great show, please keep up the good work.

Best wishes, 

Writer Richard Wall