The Slave Narrative – Uncle Cinto Lewis

Published By:
Lamont Jack Pearley

On this episode of Jack Dappa Blues Heritage Radio i will be reading from and discussing the Slave Narrative of Ex- Slave Uncle Cinto Lewis.

Uncle Cinto Lewis, ex-slave, claims to “be 111 years old. He lived in a brick cabin with his wife, Aunt Lucy, on the Huntington Plantation, in Brazoria Co.Texas. Miss Kate Huntington says the cabin occupied by the old couple is part of the old slave quarters built by J. Greenville McNeel, who owned the plantation before Marion Huntington, Miss Kate’s father, bought it. Although Uncle Cinto claims to be 111, he says he was named San Jacinto because he was born during the “San Jacinto War”, which would make his age 101.

After the Slave Narrative, Brock Lightning Calls in to join the discussion!


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