Hosted and Published by: Lamont Jack Pearley Many Black Academic Scholars are also active practitioners in our respective cultures and traditions. That doesn't negate their ability to teach, mentor, or share skills and tricks of the trade with the folk. It actually makes…
On this episode of The African American Folklorist, I share the story of the born free, African American Traditional Music Practitioner Elijah Cox, who was a fiddler, Buffalo soldier, and recorded in 1935 at the age of 93 for the Library of Congress…
Published By
Lamont Jack Pearley
Talking Bout The Blues Video series African American Folklorist, Writers and the Blues. This series highlights African American writers, folklorists, ethnologist, composers and playwriters, that documented, described and flat out canvased the Black experience through their works, connecting the dots…
Published By:
Lamont Jack Pearley
On this episode of Jack Dappa Blues Heritage Radio i will be reading from and discussing the Slave Narrative of Ex- Slave Uncle Cinto Lewis.
Uncle Cinto Lewis, ex-slave, claims to "be 111 years old. He lived in a brick cabin…
Published By:
Lamont Jack Pearley
Interviewer Mrs* Zillah Cross Peel
Person interviewed Aunt Adeline — Age 89
Home 101 Hock Street* Fayetteville. Arkansas
*I was born a slave about 1848, in Hickmon County, Tennessee,*
said Aunt Adeline who lives as care taker in a house at 101 Rock
Street, Faystteville,…
Published By:
Lamont Jack Pearley
I came across this piece in the "American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936 to 1940" after discussing Margaret Walker and her being hired by the Federal Writers Project in 1936 on today's show! This is one…
Published By:
Lamont Jack Pearley
This Episode we will be going over the Laura Abromsom R.F.D. Holly Grove Arkansas Slave Narrative.
•30395 #6B5 8
Interviewer Miss Irene Robertson
Person interviewed Laura Abromsom Holly Grove* Arkansas
Receives mail at Clarendon* Arkansas
Age 74
*My mama was named Eloise Rogers* She was born…
Published By:
Lamont Jack Pearley
Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938 contains more than 2,300 first-person accounts of slavery and 500 black-and-white photographs of former slaves. These narratives were collected in the 1930s as part of the Federal Writers' Project…