Michael L Jones Share Kentucky’s Musical History

On this episode of the Jack Dappa Blues Podcast, I speak to Kentucky Music Historian Michael L Jones about The Jugband Jubilee Festival and his exhibit of Kentucky Music history. We also discuss the rise of jug band music, the inception of Kentucky. Michael shares how Kentucky is a riverboat location which culminated in the creation of music legends.  Michael shares rarely heard facts about Kentucky history.

Michael is an author and journalist who’s research and writing reclaims the African American Traditions and music started popularized in Kentucky and traveled the world.

Links of Michael’s work.

Celebrating the Sounds of Kentucky: https://fraziermuseum.org/exhibits/kentucky-music

Interview with Michael L Jones: https://www.wdrb.com/wdrb-in-the-morning/keith-kaiser-out-and-about/keith-tries-his-hand-at-jug-band-music/video_3daca768-b0c5-58c0-8f3f-fbfa9d3f4a36.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=user-share

National Jug Band Jubilee: http://www.jugbandjubilee.com/

Wall Street Journal article about the Jubilee: http://www.jugbandjubilee.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/08022018074353-0001.pdf

Louisville Jug Music: https://www.amazon.com/Louisville-Jug-Music-McDonald-National-ebook/dp/B00XRSH6HC/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=louisville+jug+music&qid=1568752043&s=gateway&sr=8-1

article about me winning history award: https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/south/2015/03/02/louisville-jug-music-book-earns-author-award/24271195/

Here is an article I wrote for the Oxford-American on the black roots of “Happy Birthday to You,” which also comes from Louisville: https://www.oxfordamerican.org/magazine/item/1348-a-peculiar-composition

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