Published By
Lamont Jack Pearley
On this fourth of July, as well celebrate “Freedom” and “Independence”. As we gather with family and friends to BBQ, drink and catch up, there is an underlying issue that most are well aware of, and even more are speaking out about. I write this not to damper anyones celebration, but with the good we must face and acknowledge the bad.
Further more, there is no celebration of the Blues, it’s music, culture and history without acknowledging the climate American was in that produced the music. This has become somewhat of a taboo conversation…most don’t want to talk about it, some act as if one has nothing to do with the other, and there is a small percentage that say..”That was then, The Blues has no color”.
Though I can appreciate that sentiment, the reality is…it wasn’t just then, and Blues does have a color, and’s not just “Black” but White has a lot to do with the Blues.
With that being said, I am sharing with you a presentation by Dr. Joy DeGruy. She is someone I have followed since I first saw her being interviewed by Gil Noble on the ABC show, “Like It Is”. Please take the time to watch her presentation, because she’s also written a book about the subject..and I will be doing a detailed video series about this topic in the near future as it relates to the Blues and it’s history.
Peace, Love, Learn and KEEP BLUESN’