This is part three, the last episode of the series of the Jack Dappa Blues Podcast Series on Texas Blues Legend Henry Thomas in affiliation with Lonestar Blues & Heritage Festival featuring our recurring guest The American Songster Dom Flemons. On this last installment, we…
This episode of Jack Dappa Blues Radio is part two of my discussion with scholar Tyler D. Parry, Assistant Professor of African American and African Diaspora Studies Program and Book Review Editor: Black Perspectives, about his co-authored journal and the upcoming book titled…
This is part one of the Jack Dappa Blues Podcast Series in affiliation with Lonestar Blues & Heritage Festival about Henry Thomas, also known as Henry Ragtime Texas Thomas featuring our recurring guest The American Songster Dom Flemons. On this episode, we delve into the evolution…
On this episode of the Jack Dappa Blues Podcast, I speak to Kentucky Music Historian Michael L Jones about The Jugband Jubilee Festival and his exhibit of Kentucky Music history. We also discuss the rise of jug band music, the inception of Kentucky.…
This is part one of the Jack Dappa Blues Podcast Series in affiliation with Lonestar Blues & Heritage Festival about Henry Thomas, also known as Henry Ragtime Texas Thomas featuring our recurring guest The American Songster Dom Flemons. On this episode we…
Published By: Lamont Jack Pearley Juneteenth should always be mentioned with the term "African American Traditional Music!" Juneteenth is the celebration of the releasing of the last remaining slaves after the emancipation proclamation and civil war. In 1865, June 19 Union soldiers led…
The Banjo is a very popular instrument, and it's popularity is currently growing rapidly. However, there's a convoluted and misconstrued history of this instrument. On today's episode of Jack Dappa Blues Podcast, I speak with Tony Thomas, African American Banjo Scholar, about the…
The African American Folklorist Podcast Series - Charlotte Forten Grimke - The First series of the African American Folklorist will be covering the works, journals and lineage of Charlotte Forten Grimke. Documented as the first person to record Black Spirituals on her excursion…
Coffle Gangs America's Domestic Slave Trade
by Lamont Jack Pearley
I’m learning to deal with this nostalgia people have for the antebellum south that birthed a tribal music that became an internationally commercial success, making non African Americans extremely wealthy. International wealth off of the…
Black Spirituals - America’s Folk Songs
By Lamont Jack Pearley
The Black Spirituals are the product of suffering, the hardships and despairs of those in bondage as they gave utterance through deep grievance in song. Said to be religious folksongs that were born during American…